Dirt Bike Motocross Engagement in Orillia
Dirt Bike Motocross Engagement photography
Motocross engagement photography in Orillia, Ontario
When Lori and Kyle pitched me the idea for an engagement session centered around their dirt bikes I nearly fell off my chair - heck yes! Growing up I raced motocross bikes for several years before breaking one or two or 6 bones and finally calling it quits. The thought of spending a little time around some brappers was giving me enthusiasms. Let's do it!
But of course, let's hear a little about their love story and how K-Lor came to be...
Lori: We went to high school together, he used to come into one of my classes often and I would always think how handsome he was and that I wish I could have him. We ran into each other a couple times in college at a mutual friends house, and again, I would think about how handsome he was and that I wish I could have him. Than after another many years, he saw me at Horseshoe with my family (I didn’t see him) than he stalked me on Facebook, found out I was single, told me he always thought I was hot and he wished he could have me, so in the end… I got what I wanted (I usually do).
Kyle: I met Lori in high school. But I remember seeing her at Horseshoe and telling my friends hey do you remember Lori… Damn she hot!
Motocross photos in Barrie Ontario
Lori: We had plans to hang out on the Saturday but instead, on the Friday I invited him to come to the drive in with my son and I. So we went to the drive in with our sons (Chaos and Felix), and talked all night… stayed at the drive in for all 3 movies, which ended at 3 am, than went to my place and talked for 3 more hours… We talked about everything, ex’s, kids, futures, work, goals, jobs, ex’s some more, we pretty much aired out all of our dirty laundry, how past relationships ended, all the things we will and will not tolerate, what we expect of each other, and how our kids and parenting will work, and yes, all this was discussed the very first day we hung out… I couldn’t even tell you what movies were playing.
Kyle: Cleaning vomit off my truck seat at the Drive in from her son. We stayed up until the Sun came up when I usually can’t stay up past 10:30.
Lori: I knew during the first date, the fact that I told him about all the stupid things I’ve done, the bad decisions I’ve made and about my struggles to become who I am, and he still wanted to come to my house after the movie, that’s when I knew I wanted him forever. It was reaffirmed not long after when my kids kept asking for him, and asking where their new friend Felix was. Kyle also told me that the only way he would ever marry me is if his son called me his best friend… I think it only took a week for Felix to give me a huge hug, great big smile and say “You’re my best friend”.
Kyle: I knew Lori would be my future wife after 3 days of getting to know each other needs and wants in life. I also knew Lori was mine after the first night ;)
Dirt Bike Engagement photos
Lori: We already had a date set for when we wanted to get married, it had been discussed for a while, and I told him I wanted to be engaged for 1 year prior to getting married. His sister (Tara) and her family were having family photos done out by our home, so Kyle hijacked their family photos and asked if we could tag along with our family last minute
(Hint #1). We were taking some “couples photos” and Kyle said “let’s do some with our coats on” (for the record, Kyle's coat is VERY ugly, so Hint #2). After 2 or 3 with our coats on, he said “Okay coats off”
(Hint #3) and being the discrete guy he is, pulled a box out of his coat pocket. During the next photo he got down on his knee, and asked if I would marry him. I told him I had to think about it… But obviously said yes a second after!
The date was October 17th, 2014... exactly 1 year prior to the wedding date we had agreed on… so I kind of had a hunch, especially since it wasn’t our night with the kids, but he tried his very hardest to make sure they could be there for it, so I knew he was up to something.
Kyle: I took advantage of my sisters photo session and proposed knowing she wanted to be engaged for a year. I tried very hard to surprise her but nothing is a surprise with Lori.
Lori: Everything… I love his son, I love his heart, I love our life together, I love that we have the same dreams and wants in life. We both think the same when it comes to things, and when wedon’t, we always end up agreeing anyways. I do the stuff he can’t, he does the stuff I can’t… we love the same activities and we ALWAYS have fun together. He is the best father for our kids and loves us all unconditionally. He supports all my decisions and choices with 100% encouragement!
Kyle: Lori is the yin to my yang, she is amazing at keeping the family organized, and making sure the whole family is taken care of. She is ambitious which is infectious; it makes me motivated to do more. I enjoy all my hobbies and work with her. My favorite thing about Lori is that she never stops trying to be a better wife, mother or friend. She is the piece I have always been missing and looking for.
Dirt Bike Motocross Engagement ring photo
Lori: I don’t care about anything except having our kids there… They are the main thing in our lives and every decision we make is about them, includes them, or is to surprise them. All 3 of our kids, as well as our adorable little niece, play a major role in the ceremony, photos and reception.
I am excited for them to feel like their family is finally complete, and to give them all the security of knowing that neither Kyle or I are going anywhere, they will know that we will always be together and support them, our home and family together. We are all getting the family we have alwaysdreamed of!
Oh, and I can’t wait to see Kyle’s face when he sees his little boys and little girl walking towards him, I bet him that he would cry.
Kyle: I am looking forward to have our family as one, so our kids know this is the start of our real family, I also look forward to the party with amazing friends and family. The last thing and most important I look forward to Lori knowing I will never give up and she has my whole heart.
The rustic Northbrook Farm hosts our dream team engagement session near Orillia, Ontario.